✿ Illustration (OPEN on VGEN)

Bust-Up$15 USD
Half body$23 USD
Full body$35 USD

✿ Color Sketch (OPEN on VGEN)

Bust$8 USD
Half body$12 USD
Full body$18 USD


I can drawI won´t draw
Original Characters (OC)Hate art
FanartsNSFW / Gore

✿ Payment

  • Payment is made by paypal invoice after delivering the first sketch.

  • I will not proceed with the work until payment has been made.

  • The price table indicates the base price, and this may increase depending on the complexity of the commission.

  • There are no refunds once I start the commission, except if I can't finish it

✿ Use

  • My work is exclusively for personal use only, (profile photos, banners, posting it on social media, among others). Commercial use is prohibited. If you have any questions about whether your commission is commercial or not, ask me directly.

  • I have the right to show the final product in my portfolio/social media/as an example of my commissions' list. And, unless I'm told otherwise when starting the commission, I post the progress on social media.

  • The client cannot publish the advances that have been sent to him and these do not belong to them.

  • They can publish the commission, but don't forget to put the corresponding credits.

  • The illustration cannot be modified in any way without my permission.

  • The client cannot sell my artwork as NFT and/or using it on AI´s.

✿ Process

  • When requesting the commission, you must send me the information of this, including: type of commission, references of the character to draw (I do not do character design) and a general idea of the drawing. I will make a quote and if you accept it payment will be made.

  • I will wait until you have made the payment to start with the commission.

  • I will send several previews, like: sketch, base colors, shading progress, etc. Depending on the type of commission there may be more or less previews.

  • Only major modifications at the sketch stage and color modifications at the early stages of coloring will be accepted. Modifications other than these will have an extra cost (depending on complexity), unless it was my mistake, for example, by leaving out a detail of the character.

  • The final illustration will be sent by drive or email, at the client's choice.

✿ Extra

  • These terms may change and/or be updated in the future, those in force at the time of making your payment will be taken into account.

  • Any unspecified matter should be discussed in private.

  • When placing your order these terms of service will be applied automatically.